

Freelance Web Developer

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Mar 10, 2013

Parsing JSON API response with php

PHP has a powerful JSON parsing system, you can encode JSON string to Object using json_decode and by using Php Object to Array, object can be converted to array. Lets break this in few steps.

1. Fetching the response from API

$response  = file_get_contents($requestUrl);

2. Decoding the JSON data to Object

$jsonobj  = json_decode($response);

4. Converting object to array.

You can use Php Object to Array function to convert object to array.

$resultArray = object2array($jsonobj);

Final code

You can use Php Object to Array function to convert object to array.

$requestUrl = '';
$response  = file_get_contents($requestUrl);
$jsonobj  = json_decode($response);
$resultArray = object2array($jsonobj);

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