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Dec 14, 2011

Sunset and Sunrise Time using PHP

PHP5 have few very interesting new functions, Using two of them you can create your own "Sunrise and Sunset Calculator" to Find sunrise and sunset for a location.

Here are these functions:-

date_sunrise — Returns time of sunrise for a given day and location.

date_sunset — Returns time of sunset for a given day and location.


echo date_sunrise(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, 29.91999999999999, 73.880, 90, 5.5);

echo date_sunset(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, 29.91999999999999, 73.880, 90, 5.5);

You must know the latitude and longitude of the place, to use these functions.
Here in above example, 29.91999999999999 is latitude, 73.880 is longitude, 90 is Zenith, and 5.5 is gmtoffset.

So the format should be like this:-

echo date_sunrise(time(), format, latitude, longitude, zenith, gmtoffset);

echo date_sunset(time(), format, latitude, longitude, zenith, gmtoffset);

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